1、c 后面的动词和quantity 配合有很大争议的关于"a quantity of" 和"quantities of"的主谓一致的问题,关于 a quantity of /quantities of + n. +谓语 中的谓语的单复数形式说法有三:A. a quantity of /quantities of + n. +谓语,其中谓语的单复数形式与quantity的单复数形式保持一致,eg: Quantities of nuts were on the table. A quantity of nuts was on the table.B. 对于a quantity of + n. +谓语 中的谓语的单复数形式与a lot of 相同,即遵循意义一致原则;而对于quantities of + n. +谓语 中的谓语一定用复数形式,eg: There is only a small quantity of wine left. A large quantity of air conditions have been sold since the summer came. Huge quantities of oil were shipped to Japan last year. C. a quantity of /quantities of + n. +谓语 中的谓语的单复数形式与a lot of/lots of 相同,即遵循意义一致原则。
2、eg: Great quantities of sand was washed down the hillside by the rain last night.各个老师争论个不停..总的来说就是和quantity单复配合吧。
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